Of Youth and flame and festival...
Emerging from the museum the crowds have gathered. Parents help their children into their costumes, fathers carry the heavy masks for their sons but all around the tension builds as the various youth groups line up and wait their turn to parade down the avenue to the central stage where the judges wait. Groups have arrived from towns and villages around Pernik and from afar to attend this prestigious event. Costumes and dances reflect the local traditions of these villages but all follow the themes of the mummers traditions. From Morris dancing in England to the mountains of Switzerland these pagan traditions win through to the modern age. The battle for survival during the long dark winter months and the hope for new life in Spring are reflected in the dances, the offering of bread, the hobby horse, the bear and the devil.
The procession gets under way, music and fun for all and this is the first afternoon of the festival. I followed the route down to the main square, I was reminded of my stay in Tenerife and the 'Romarias' there. A banner proclaims the the proud name of the town or village as each troupe enters the parade. Reaching the judges platform the young people dance and portray their local traditions which will have taken place earlier in January on the festival day. Despite the cold everyone is happy.
There are so many costumes and themes portrayed in the web album. The costumes vary from the simple to elaborate. The masks themselves must be very heavy never mind the multitude of cow bells around the waist. Despite the long wait the children display boundless energy, Prancing and dancing whilst they wait. The bells the drums, a cacophony of noise but some how suited to this lively scene.
As the afternoon wore on the delicious aromas from the 'village' wafted across the square and I found myself back in the market where for something to eat. I could also purchase my very own mini mummer. One for my niece and one for my nephew.
As the afternoon wore on and the sun set the 'tourchlight' procession commenced following the route of the parade then round to the stage in front of the 'Palace of Culture' where the opening speeches were taking place then to the bonfire which was lit as part of the opening celebrations. This is all part of the village tradition. If one is lucky enough to be in a village when this takes place join in and enjoy.
National TV is broadcasting the event live to the nation whilst wandering back to the square I am surprised by the firework display. I nearly fell over backwards trying to take photographs but managed to capture some for the album.
Late into the evening we are entertained on the various stages. The concert program in the main square has performances by various foreign groups from around the Balkans and further afield all visiting to take part in this huge event.
On a sad note I am not sure how much longer my blogs will link to the photo albums. It was always my idea that the photographs told the story. I have taken time to locate and comment as much as possible. The photos are displayed in the order in which events occurred. Googe is to cease support for Picassa Web Albums and the associated desktop program which I use to edit and upload the photos. It would appear that they are adopting 'Google Photos'. This seems to perform in a similar fashion to 'Facebook' photo albums. There will be no facilities to locate of comment on photos as there are now. I think that they are trying to push users in the direction of 'Google+'. We shall see.
I hope that you will take the time to have a look through the photographs in the 'Album 12' page on the main menu or list to the right. Link to the album
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