Another day, another country...

A chance remark whilst talking to my brother during a couple of months R&R in the UK after my trip to South Africa and here I am -  taking up residence in Varna, Bulgaria, right next to the Black Sea. 

Following my usual path I shall be exploring the country by bus and train trying to bring a flavour of this, probably, most easterly member of the EU. Why here, why not?  Bulgaria offers a fascinating history bordered by Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania it has been part of empires from the Roman to Ottoman to Communist alongside a rich folklore and varied countryside. You may or may not know that they use the crylic alphabet here which will add to the sense of adventure - lol as they say in the tweets.

I had arrived in Sophia, the capital, just after midnight using my new ePassport for the first time before catching my flight to Varna airport at 07:30.  I was due to be collected by a rep from the letting agent who got into a panic when I did not emerge when anticipated.  For the first time in all my travels my hold baggage had not arrived with me.  A very helpful young lady behind the counter soon discovered that my case would follow on the next flight arriving late afternoon and would be delivered to my apartment the following morning.  Hmm, I was tired hot and sweaty and looking forward to a change of clothing but it was not to be.
 No time to take photographs, we were off to Varna city to meet my landlord at my new apartment.  I could not have been more pleasantly surprised, the apartment is well appointed and only 20 minutes walk from the sea. It is 260 euros per month although the local currency is still the lev and, after Greece I suspect it may remain so for some time despite the proposed 2018 change. My afternoon was spent with my landlords Isabella and Ivan visiting mobile and internet providers so that I was fixed up with essential services within the first day.  Taxis are very cheap here and are metered. I also discovered that the bus service in Varna is only 1 lev wherever you go in the city.

My 'Varna' photo album...  so far photos of the apartment and surrounding area. (Click the link to view the album.)

I have a shop underneath me selling take away coffee and fresh rolls; both savoury and sweet. The aroma which greats me as I open my bedroom window of a morning is delightful.  Across the road is a small supermarket which also has hot and cold deli counters and, just down the street is a continental style bar. It does not do food but one can take a fresh roll or pastry from the shop without objection.

The competition -
 Google Earth here to meet me!
I still have to complete my blogs on South Africa and Thailand so "Pretend I am a Time Lord" as my niece would say as we played another game of her invention. I shall be in my "Tardis" visiting all three countries for a while yet.  I hope that you continue to enjoy the adventures with me.

All this work, good job there are fresh supplies just around the corner...


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